The City by Tom Lehman Plus Expanded City Expansion (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 6.54
Players: 2 to 5
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of The City Card Game Plus Expanded City Expansion by Eagle Gryphon Games. Includes core game, expansion, Iconic City Pack, Eco-City Pack, and all unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
,The City, by Tom Lehmann, in English for the first time!
🏙️ The City Core Game,
🌇 The Expanded City Expansion, and
🌆 All unlocked stretch goals.
- This is a new, totally updated edition of Tom Lehmann’s The City
- Now in English for the first time
- Featuring new, beautiful art and graphics by João Tereso
- Stretch Goals keyed to number of Backers, adding iconic cities and a mini expansion
Players are rival builders racing each other to develop a city by building luxury homes, airports, malls, business centers, etc. Each round, players construct buildings, score victory points, and receive income. Once any player has reached 50 or more victory points, the game ends. The player with the most victory points wins!
The City is a fast-paced, simultaneous-play, filler type race game that typically plays 20-30 minutes and scales well with all numbers of players (ages 10+) ranging from 2 to 5.
What’s New or Changed about Gameplay?
- The Factory (2 copies in the game) adds a new strategy
- 5 cards have been tweaked for better balance and game play
- Victory point chips included for much easier & clearer scoring
The Expanded City — KS Backers get this bonus expansion, not included in retail version:
- Adds 33 more cards, including 16 new ones: Neighborhood Pub, Waterfront, Auto Race Track, Tourist Attraction, Church, Fast Food Outlet, Fashion District, Café, Hotel, Upscale Bar, and more!
- Expands the game to 6 players.
- Strengthens “Upscale”, “School”, and “High Rise” strategies.
Prolific designer Tom Lehmann is a former economist, programmer, technical writer, and game publisher who now designs strategy board, card, and dice games full-time. He is the designer of games such as Race for the Galaxy, Roll for the Galaxy, Jump Drive, Favor of the Pharaoh, To Court the King, Phoenicia, Roll Through the Ages: Iron Age, and The City!
A 6-card bonus pack that will feature 6 of Washington’s iconic locales meant to replace cards in The City base game. This pack will be included with each pledged copy of The City but will not be included in the retail version of the game (but offered to retailers who back through this campaign). These iconic city packs are in addition to the base game cards.
A 6-card bonus pack that will feature 6 of Seoul’s iconic locales meant to replace cards in The City base game. This pack will be included with each pledged copy of The City but will not be included in the retail version of the game (but offered to retailers who back through this campaign). These iconic city packs are in addition to the base game cards.
A 6-card bonus pack that will feature 6 of Paris’ iconic locales that will replace cards in The City base game. This pack will be included with each pledged copy of The City but will not be included in the retail version of the game (but offered to retailers who back through this campaign). These iconic city packs are in addition to the base game cards.
A 6-card Eco mini-expansion featuring all new cards to build such as a Pedestrian Zone, Alternative Transportation, an Eco-Building, Green Energy Plant, and Ridesharing. Unlike the iconic city replacement cards, these cards are added to the game. These cards include new icons and scoring possibilities to add more variance to the game.
In The City, players try to quickly and skillfully build their own city over the rounds, bringing in revenue and victory points (VPs). The cards are both buildings and currency, and the first player to collect 50 victory points wins the game. Victory points are cumulative from round to round, so a fast start yields a big advantage.
Each turn, each player places a card from his hand face down, then all cards are simultaneously revealed. The cards show the buildings that the players want to build that round; building costs are paid for by discarding other cards. Some buildings provide income at the end of the round in the form of new cards, with certain buildings increasing the income provided by others; similarly, some buildings boost the VPs provided by others, with a University, for example, being worth one more VP for each School you have in play.
Certain buildings have symbols on them – car, fountain, shopping cart – and the income and VPs provided by some buildings depends on how many symbols you have in play; the Autobahn, for example, is worth one dollar (i.e., card) and one VP for each car symbol you control.
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