Tir Na Nog: Deluxe Edition Plus Blessings & Burdens Expansion (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special)
Preorder: Expected Delivery 2025-11-30
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.78
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.52
Players: 1 to 5
Published: 2025
Content Notes: Publisher Exclusive Tir Na Nog: Deluxe Edition Plus Blessings & Burdens Expansion Board Game by Grand Gamers Guild. Includes core game, expansion, and all unlocked stretch goals.
In the Irish myth cycles, the land of Tir na nog is the realm of the Otherworld, the place where the Fairies lived and heroes visited on quests. It was a place just outside the realm of man, off to the west, where there was no illness or death or time, but only happiness and beauty.
The golden path to Tir na nog is open once more, and the greatest Celtic storytellers have gathered for a once-in-a-lifetime journey. When they return, they’ll bring with them tales of the creatures they met and the adventures they lived. Over time those stories will become a saga — and the most epic saga will live on forever.
Journey to the Otherworld in Tir na nog by placing storytellers between story cards in the shared grid. When all storytellers have been placed, in reverse player order draft cards and add them to your hand. From your hand, you’ll then add cards to your personal tableau: one card to hand, one card played. At the end of five rounds, score each row according to the rules on its corresponding goal card, and earn points for having the most connected story cards of each color. The highest score wins.
–from the publisher
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