Vampire Hunters: Slayer Pledge Level (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.54
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.57
Players: 1 to 4
Published: 2017
Content Notes: Kickstarter “Slayer ” Edition of Vampire Hunters. Vampire Hunters core game, Kickstarter Exclusive playable Daniel Stoica, Kickstarter Exclusive East European Priests, From Blood To Dust game expansion, All unlocked stretch goals! Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Description from the publisher:
Quiet for so long, the Night is rising again, spreading its tendrils of evil through the empty and unwatched backwaters of the world. Once again, Vampires are spreading from den to den, adding locals to the body count … or to their ranks. Can the Order regain its former strength and push back the tide of evil?
Vampire Hunters is a fully co-operative miniature-based board game for 1-4 players. It brings the dark imagery of Vampire lore from the classic stories in movies and books to your table top, as you take on the role of a newly recruited Vampire Hunter. Thrown into the Vampire den with a small band of comrades, you use stakes, crossbows and holy water to destroy the creatures of the Night. Craft makeshift weapons on the fly for more destructive power. Tear down window coverings to burn the Vampires with rays of Sunlight. Drag screaming Vampires outside the den with the Extractor. Team up and make combination attacks on your enemies. Always stay focused on your mission to power your special abilities.
But watch the clock: at sundown, you become the prey!
Optional game modes add to the replayability. Play standalone games or follow the full campaign, upgrading your weapons, equipment and special skills as you advance in the Order. Play semi-coop to rate your skills, giving bragging rights to the best Hunter. You can even play on as a Vampire, if your Hunter gets turned. Make Vampire Hunters the experience you want it to be!
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