Wonderland’s War: Deluxe Edition plus Premium Chips (Kickstarter Special)
Players: 2 to 4
Published: 2022
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition Deluxe Wonderland’s War Board Game Plus Premium Chips by Druid City Games. Includes core game, Deluxe Box (5 Leader Minis, 13 Wonderlandian Minis, 1 Game Trayz System, 75 Custom Wood Meeples, 5 Upgraded Branded Faction Bags, 5 Sculpted Plastic Faction Castles, 1 Plastic Mini Battle Marker), 200+ premium chips, and all applicable stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
War is on the horizon for the future of Wonderland. Gather the resources you need to build legendary items, gain strange tactical advantages, and recruit the infamous denizens of Wonderland to fight for your side. Each Wonderlandian you encounter offers a unique ability to help you further your goals, but will you be tempted to turn on them to push yourself ahead of your enemies? Gather your army and take them through the looking glass and onto the field of battle. Unleash your soldiers with all the fiendish tricks, powerful items, and recruited Wonderlandians to gain control of the realm and seize your destiny in Wonderland’s War!
–from the publisher
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