Zombicide: CMON Comic Book Volume 1 (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 6.83
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.10
Players: 1 to 6
Published: 2012
Content Notes: Retail Edition of Zombicide: Graphic Novel Board Game Supplement by CMON. Includes one hardbound graphic novel.
Debuting in 2012,Zombicidebecame the first of a wildly popular series of tabletop games that pit players against the nastiest walking dead the game can throw at them.
For years, CMON and Guillotine Games have collaborated on multiple projects, bringing unforgettable settings and characters to the tabletop. The worlds created inspired the imagination of thousands of players all over the world, providing them with exciting adventures, full of danger and battles against all forms of evil.
Now, they have joined forces with great authors and illustrators from the comics world to take it to the next level and explore these settings like never before! Get ready to experience Zombicide: Graphic Novel Volume 1, Day 1, in a whole new way, with beautifully illustrated, brilliantly written, hardcover graphic novels.
–from the publisher
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