Gearworks: Deluxe Edition Plus Play Mat Bundle (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.13
Players: 2 to 4
Published: 2018
Content Notes: Kickstarter Deluxe Edition of Gearworks by Piecekeeper Games. Includes core game, premium wooden gear tokens, Bonus Contraption Pack, custom insert, box sleeve, and all unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Gearworks is a steampunk strategy card game featuring card placement, hand management, and a “twist” on area control. Strategically position your gears to fix a mysterious clockwork machine in the corner of the workshop.
Collect parts and build fantastical contraptions! Will the other tinkerers sabotage your efforts or will you earn the workshop owner’s favor and become the master tinkerer?
Gearworks is:
- Puzzle-y. Players say it feels like Sudoku.
- Beautiful.
- Accessible to gamers and non-gamers alike.
- Unique in game mechanics and experience.
On your turn, play a gear card into an empty space in the play area.
There are two placement rules. (1) Each column can only have one card of each color. (2) The cards in each row must be in either ascending or descending numerical order.
Rotate the gear tokens in the corresponding column and row to point your player color toward the card you played.
Gain sparks by tinkering! You can choose any 2 of the cards closest to your played card in each of the four directions, then add them together or subtract one from the other. If the result equals the value of your played card, gain 1 spark. Sparks can be used to draw extra cards or even play on top of other cards.
At the end of the round, collect parts for each column or row with your color pointed toward the play area. You can use them to build fantastical contraptions.
The game lasts 3 rounds. At the end of the game, score points for contraptions you built, unused parts, and sparks.please contact us at The Game Steward.
Two steps forward, one step back. It seems your machines never work the way they are supposed to, or for very long, before they break down. The workshop owner has given you one more chance to prove your worth.
Gearworks is a steampunk strategy card game featuring card placement, hand management, and a “twist” on area control. Strategically position your gears to fix a mysterious clockwork machine in the corner of the workshop. Collect parts created by the machine each round by being the last player to fix its various components. As a tinkerer, you can certainly put those parts to good use and create awesome steampunk contraptions!
Will the other tinkerers sabotage your efforts or will you earn the workshop owner’s favor and become the master tinkerer?
–Description from the publisher
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