Hordes: Minions Blindwater Brew Witch Doctor Privateer Press (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 6.08
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.57
Players: 2 to 8
Published: 2006
Content Notes: Retail Edition of Hordes: Minions Privateer Press Exclusive Blindwater Brew Witch Doctor Gatorman Solo PIP 92016 unpainted lead free miniatures.
This is a convention exclusive on sale during Gen Con July 30 through August 2. This blister does contain a unit card.
Hordes can be viewed as either an expansion to Warmachine, or a totally separate game using the same system. Either way, it contains four new factions and is based on the same system. It is 100% compatible with Warmachine. Rather than the steampunk theme of Warmachine, Hordes focuses on the more primitive tribal powers: Trollblood, Skorne, Legion of Everblight, Circle Orboros, Farrow (pig-men) and Gatormen. They wage war with great warbeasts in place of warjacks and, instead of warcasters, have warlocks that draw power from their beasts.
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