Train Heist: A Game of Rightin’ Wrongs And Robbin’ Trains (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.67
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.01
Players: 2 to 4
Published: 2018
Content Notes: Retail Edition of Train Heist. Train Heist is a cooperative board game of rightin, wrongs and robbin, trains as 2 to 4 players become a band of cowboys who work together to stop the corrupt Sheriff and the rich folks from stealing all of the townspeople’s earnings.
🚂 Quad-fold Board
🚂 35 Poker Cards
🚂 21 Event Cards
🚂 12 Wanted Cards
🚂 21 Loot Tiles
🚂 3 Cherokee Tokens
🚂 3 Bullet Tokens
🚂 2 Railroad Switch Tokens
🚂 Large Train Heist Arrow with Magnet
🚂 Small Train Heist Arrow with Magnet
🚂 Hangman Marker
🚂 Train Heist Goal Marker
🚂 Drawstring Loot Sack
🚂 5 Train Car Minis
🚂 4 Cowboy Minis
🚂 2 Horse Minis
🚂 Sheriff Mini
🚂 40 Loot Counters
🚂 Rulebook
Unlike traditional board games with set paths and places to go, Train Heist uses a free-range board where players can go anywhere they need to get the job done. It also uses a unique game mechanic that causes the train to move around the board and load up new cargo and passengers, all while triggering random hectic events. Featuring a special three-suit Poker Deck, players use hands of cards to loot the train and race their horse across Crackpot Canyon to deliver goods, all while earning reputations and special abilities that will stick with them until the game’s end! If the townsfolk keep running out of loot to pay the Sheriff, it could be game over. Reach the right amount of loot before the Event Deck runs out and the train skips town and you win! In Train Heist, you must think ahead and work together to achieve victory!
That dad-blam Sheriff has gone too far this time! He’s ridin, the rails with his corrupt and wealthy friends, while the good folks of this territory are stuck in poverty. No sir, that just ain’t right! We aim to bring justice to the West, and the only way to do that is to rob that there train and see that the good folks of this county get the spoils!
In Train Heist, up to four players work together to board the train, loot the passengers and cargo, and vamoose with the goods before the Sheriff catches you! Bring enough finery back to each town before the train arrives to keep the Sheriff at bay. If you can pull this off, everybody wins, but be careful because if enough perilous events occur or a hangman noose is tied up, it’s game over for all!
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